This poem came to me on an early Sunday morning. In the weeks leading up to its inception, I had been pondering the concepts of community, of love, of belonging. I kept coming back to this concept of how beautiful love of all types is—even when it’s not returned. It is simply a beautiful thing to have loved someone or something. More than anything, I wanted to capture that feeling: the melancholiness of a beautiful thing hurting you.
After writing this poem, I sent it to my musician friend, Max (definitely check out his band, Kozen). A couple hours later, he sent me this song that he composed based off of the poem. It was such a profound exchange of art and expression of love and admiration—I couldn’t help but share it with you all. So, as you read this poem and listen to this song, I want you to ponder these questions:
When you think of love embodied, who or what comes to mind?
What is your relationship with love as a concept?
What can you learn from unrequited love?
I used to dream about you.
In my dreams You cared for me. You considered me In everything you did And every word you said. In my dreams You needed me. Like the tides need the moon. Like the flowers need the sun. In my dreams You loved me back. With no stipulations. And no trepidations. In my dreams You were mine.